If you haven't done so yet, be sure to Like our PostureNOW Facebook page:
It's not just about PostureNOW. We regularly post interesting and informative articles related to health and wellness, generally related to good posture.
As we all know, good posture is a habit, and one of the best ways to keep up the habit of good posture is with positive reinforcement. At the PostureNOW Facebook page, you'll get that positive reinforcement.
Click here and like the PostureNOW Facebook page, and start getting great information in your news feed.
And remember, if you have questions about posture or the PostureNOW posture corrector, be sure to go to the Contact page on this site. Feel free to drop us an email and we'll get back with you pronto.
Meanwhile, keep your head up and your back straight. It's never too late to improve your posture!!